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感受科技  了解成都——记成外附小党支部活动
作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-04-21 09:54:12

Feeling Science and Technology & Getting Acquaintance with Chengdu
--Party Branch Activities of PSACFLS

Translated by Li Zongming


In order to further study and implement the Scientific Development View and to broaden horizons and increase know-
ledge, all the party members of the school visited the Sichuan Science and Technology Museum on the afternoon of April
20 under the leadership of Ms Wu Yali, Secretary of the Party Branch Committee of the school.  From multiple perspec-
tives and with a wide and panoramic view, these party members felt the conveniences that science and technology have
brought to the life of mankind and they also visited the Wide and Narrow Valley, an ancient street built in the Qing Dyn-
asty, which has been bearing the history of Chengdu, an old yet simultaneously young city in Sichuan Province, China. 
After the visit, all the party members expressed one after another that they had benefited a lot from these activities and
would take these as the impetus for future study and work and would make contribution for the development of the


Visiting the virtual scale model of the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project



Having a dialogue and communication with the robot



A group photo for the participant party members

